EnReach incentivizes resource providers, known as Edge Nodes and Keeper Nodes, to contribute storage, compute, and bandwidth by rewarding them with native tokens. Rewards are based on verified contributions using mechanisms like workload validation and randomized challenges, ensuring fairness and trust.
Participation is permissionless—any hardware can join the network and turn idle resources into revenue. To support early growth, EnReach subsidizes contributions until application revenue sustains the ecosystem, creating a self-reinforcing loop of growth and incentives.
Edge Nodes
Edge Nodes earn rewards by contributing resources to EnReach’s Open Edge.
Edge Node submit regular Work Reports that describe their workloads. Please note that Work Reports are not final. Multiple Keeper Nodes shall be responsible for validating the authenticity and accuracy of the workloads described in the Work Reports.
Edge Nodes connect with Keeper Nodes for ongoing monitoring and random challenges. The validation performed by the Keeper Nodes will be based on the cross-check from multiple sources.
Keeper Nodes
Keeper Nodes are rewarded for securing EnReach’s network and maintaining consensus. Their main tasks are verifying Edge Node workloads and participating in consensus.
Keeper Nodes are required to maintain high stability and availability, backed by staking commitments.
Keeper Nodes are also monitored by other Keeper Nodes to ensure integrity and reliability.